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blessing others
Dear Sunset Family,
As we’ve checked in with our church family over the past several weeks, we are finding a significant number of people asking how they can help others during this difficult season we all face. In fact, the offers to help have far exceeded the request for help! Moreover, several of you have contacted us asking if there are ways to use your stimulus check to help others. I praise God for the generosity and outward focus that is evident among you. In response to your generosity, we are running a giving campaign to help out with needs both locally and globally. Over the month of June, any donations given to the Benevolence Fund will be divided among the following three needs:
Families Unlimited Network (FUN) – FUN is our local food bank and family services organization in University Place. Currently, the food bank is well-stocked so they do not need a food drive, but they are concerned about being prepared as our economy will continue to be impacted. A financial gift will help them respond quickly to needs in the months ahead.
Care Net of Puget Sound – Care Net provides medical services to expecting mothers along with other family services. Covid-19 has interrupted two of their major fundraising campaigns, including the Baby Bottle drive that we had planned to participate in. They have moved their Baby Bottle drive to an online format and we will participate in this as a church by sending one big donation in. The campaign will help provide the following:
Pregnancy tests
Ultrasound supplies
Parenting education
Material assistance
Abortion recovery support
Indonesia Relief Fund – Over the past few years, we’ve been developing a partnership in Maleo region of Indonesia. The local church there is a key partner for potentially reaching several unreached people groups in surrounding areas. One of the missionaries working there has established a disaster relief fund to assist this church. Indonesia has been hit particularly hard by Covid-19. In the Maleo region, the biggest concern is food prices and availability. Most of the people in this region are poor, and as soon as word of the pandemic got out, the price of rice, their staple food, almost doubled. Transport has also been drastically reduced, causing prices to continue increasing. The disaster relief fund will allow the local church to purchase, pack and deliver food to their congregation and others. This is a way to encourage our Indonesians brothers and sisters in Christ, and position this small church to have a role of influence in their community.
You can give to these needs on our website at www.sunsetbible.com/give and choose the Benevolence Fund. Alternatively, you can mail donations to Sunset Bible Church, PO Box 64246, University Place, WA 98464. The Benevolence Fund is also a resource for our local congregation. If you are facing a specific need or know of someone in the congregation who is, please reach out to us.
In Christ,
Pastor Tyler