
Project Update! 

We met our goal! We have raised $32,711.00 and the Davenports are now in Kenya working. Please be praying for the project completion.

Sending the Davenports

Transforming a fire station into a worship center. Sunset’s current worship facility is one of Dan Davenport’s many projects.

Sunset Bible Church is raising money to complete the Mburus’ house in Kenya. An essential element to this project is sending Dan Davenport, one of our elders, who is a former missionary, and a construction expert. Dan’s background makes him uniquely qualified to go overseas and oversee a construction project. To make good use of time and funds, Dan needs to be on-site for an entire month. This is a project we foresaw happening a year or two down the road. However, upcoming circumstances mean that Dan’s ability to spend a month in Kenya will no longer be feasible after January 2017. Dan approached Sunset’s elders about going while he was still able, so we prayed, discussed, and did some research. As a result, we believe this is something we need to do and that God is lining things up to send Dan in December. Dan will be traveling with his wife, Brandy and grown children, Rachel and Caleb.

Project Background

In 2003, Caxton and Liz Mburu were called by God to move from Kenya to the USA and pursue theological education. This was more than a geographical shift, it was also a lifestyle shift. Following God meant sacrificing many things, one of which was a newly-begun construction project on their new house. Funds that would have completed the house were redirected to education and the initial stone structure would sit for over ten years.

After finishing their education, the Mburus returned to Kenya in 2012 as missionaries with Sunset Bible Church and Biblical Ministries Worldwide. Not only did they hope to complete the house but they now saw new ministry potential in the property. However, a shortfall in finances has made completing the house unfeasible without special help. Recently they were able to put a roof on the house and make two rooms livable. It’s now time to finish it.

10 years of growth. Caxton and Liz stand in the threshold of their future home (2012).
Progress in 2016. A roof and two room were finished.


Why Are We Pursuing This?


We need to raise $20,000 by mid December, 2016. Additionally, an extra $10,000 is our stretch goal to further finish the house. The total figure of $30,000 breaks down as follows:

How to Give

We are receiving donations between now and December 16, 2016. Please prayerfully consider contributing to this project and please be praying for God’s provision for the Mburus. There are several way to make donations: